Hello, I'm María, a dedicated certified Aware Parenting Coach, and a proud parent in a vibrant, multicultural blended family. My life's journey has taken me across the globe, from Spain, where I was born, to the diverse cultures of New York, Nairobi, Brussels, Berlin, and now Amsterdam. My passion? To support, nourish, and cherish you as you navigate the challenging yet rewarding journey of parenting.
With a rich background in international NGOs, foundations, and the United Nations, I have ardently championed women’s rights and children’s health over the past 15 years, having worked in New York, Nairobi, Brussels,Berlin, and currently Amsterdam.
I left a fancy & prestigious consultancy with Bill Gates, writing letters on his behalf and advising his foundation, for a more significant purpose: the creation of Mamamaria. My vision is to raise awareness about the critical importance of preparing for becoming parents and to do the inner work our parents did not get to do.
My personal journey, shaped by the dynamics of my own very loving yet dysfunctional family of origin, deeply influences my approach. Drawing from a diverse range of practices such as Aware Parenting, 12-step addiction recovery programs (which I am also part of), spirituality, neurobiology, and practical parenting, I provide a holistic and transformative experience.
Through healing my own family system and fostering my passion for the well being of parents and children, I bring awareness about the bumpy road that it is to become a parent and the perils of parenting. I also support (future) families in creating strong, aware bonds with their children and a lot of unconditional love for themselves and their kids. Love is the core of what I do and what brings true healing and transformation. Corny! But very true ;)
I firmly believe that the quality of a child’s early experiences profoundly impacts their entire life’s. Think of how hard it is to change yourself, and how much of who you are today comes from your childhood. Our brain development, self-esteem, attachment style, emotional health, and overall well-being is rooted in our first years of existence.This is why, Mamamaria’s mission is to support, nourish, and cherish (future)parents as they navigate the challenging journey of parenting in today’s society, where community support is often lacking. Together, we can prepare, support, and bring awareness to this rewarding and transformative path.
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I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the artists whose work is featured in this video:
Ana Álvarez-Errecalde | @anaalvarezerrecalde |
Carol Renaux | @carolrenauxphoto |
Manuela Franjou | @manuelafranjouphoto |
Sophie Ebrard | @sophieebrard |
Titus Kaphar | @tituskaphar_english_15a |
Thank you for allowing me to showcase your talent.
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Online course
This course is meant to lay the foundations of a joyful and transformative experience for your new family life.
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This coaching support program is meant to give you the insights and tools to solve many struggles you might have in your parenting life
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Are you overwhelmed with questions about parenting? Sleep, feeding, connection, attachment, how to best get support? Join my free monthly Q&A sessions. Follow me on Instagram to see when they happen.
Learn more50 tips for better parenting
Am I ready to become a parent?
How Many Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) did I have growing up?
My approach is holistic, drawing from various practices such as Aware Parenting, 12-step recovery programs, spirituality, neurobiology, and practical parenting.
My own experiences, shaped by the dynamics of my loving yet dysfunctional family, deeply influence my approach. I understand the complexities of family dynamics and use this knowledge to guide and support parents on their unique paths.
With a rich background in international NGOs, foundations, and the United Nations,I have passionately advocated for women’s rights and children’s health on a global scale.