


From 10-6 PM

Start date

28 June 2025


45 Euro

Course overview

What is the BBABBY fair? This fair was created by Mamamaria* to be a place for future parents, families and Trying to Conceive (TTC) people, to meet holistic care providers working around conception, pregnancy, delivery and postpartum, and early parenting all encapsulated in the 4Bs of the fair: Before, Belly, Birth and Beyond.

Contrary to the various consumeristic materialistic fairs that already exist that mainly focus on selling and marketing products to families and parents to be, the BBABBY fair is all about raising awareness of the paramount importance of the well-being and emotional support that is so needed in the transition to parenthood. The real deal! The BBABBY fair will focus on the parts of parenthood that are actually hardest such as the transition period called matrescence (and patrescence!), mental health issues, attachment, challenges with breast feeding, parenting children with special needs or being an LGBTI+ parent, among many more.

The fair will be divided into two days, each will include panel discussions, side workshops, and a selection of booths.

Topics to be covered:

Before: Am I ready to being a parent: essential elements for the big step; Financial preparation for parenting; Fertility challenges - emotional support and physical support (nutrition, essential oils, hormonal balance, etc.) Preparation for fathers.

Belly/Bump: Miscarriage; Physical support in pregnancy - osteopathy, nutrition, spinning babies Birth preparation courses
Postpartum preparation.

Birth: Birth doulas Comfort measures in labor; The partner in labor; Trauma in birth Birth as a spiritual transition and rite of passage.

Beyond: Immediate postpartum - first 6 weeks Maternal mental health; Aware parenting (parenting brings up our wounds); First 1000 days until age 2 Co-parenting, relationship strain; Parenting kids with special needs.

Find more information in the pdf handout!