
Why I left Bill Gates for a more important (little) man

March 3, 2024

By Maria

Bill Gates used to sign the letters I wrote. Yes, that’s right. I worked for four years for as consultant for the Foundation of two of the most influential and powerful people in the world: Bill Gates and his ex-wife, Melinda.’ Consulting for the Foundation and others was a dream job: earning a pretty penny for doing very prestigious work that allowed me to have free time, work from home, and ‘do good.’

Why did I leave? Because I had a more significant man to tend to: My little baby boy, Faro, and a more significant mission to strive for: to create awareness of how early life shapes the rest of our existence and supporting parents to prepare for a joyful and transformational parenting journey.

You might be thinking: But nothing prepares you to be a parent! Well, I heartily disagree.

Saying that is like saying that nothing prepares you for being the president of the United States or for going to the moon. That does not mean you don’t need some skills, lots of preparation and support!

Being a parent is probably as hard of a job as being an astronaut or leading a country. Even Chat GPT thinks so ;) It is also one of the most significant metamorphoses a human will encounter. This critical and transformational rite of passage brings out the best and worst in us, often without us even knowing!

We spend 3-5 years or more studying full-time for our professions, and yet we hardly prepare for being parents! We read a book or two on parenting, and maybe prepare for birth (which is critical!), but not much more for what will potentially be the hardest job of our lives, a job for which there is no retirement, holidays, pay, or sick leave.

We spend a lot of money on cribs, prams, clothes, and lots of useless things we or our kids won't use, and very little or nothing on preparing ourselves for what really matters: to prepare emotionally, mentally, financially, and even spiritually for this bumpy ride.

That’s exactly what happened to me. I also thought reading one or two books would be enough to become a good mom, and the rest will come naturally. I was absolutely not ready to deal with the struggles, and by the time I figured things out (well, I am still figuring things out!), my daughter was past her formative (critical!) years, those that profoundly shape the rest of our lives.

This is why I gave birth to my third baby: Mamamaria.

Mamamaria’s mission is to support, nourish, and cherish parents as they navigate parenting in today's society, where community support is often lacking. Together, we can prepare, support, and bring awareness to this rewarding and transformative path.


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