
WOWMOM+ Interview with Hüsne Afsar (Le Bump Studio)

May 22, 2024

By Maria

Recently, I had the pleasure of chattingwith Hüsne Afsar, Amsterdam-based mother-of-three and a creative force behindLe Bump Studio. Within the framework of Mamamaria’s mission, this interviewforms part of the WOWMOM+ collection of untold stories from WOWParents, whichstrives to render visibility to parents and celebrate the multifariousness oftheir experiences. Read on to learn about my insightful and heartfeltconversation with Hüsne as she takes me through her life, from a richbackground with Turkish roots to her transition into motherhood and the birthof her creative enterprise.

Growing up in a tight-knit Turkish family, Hüsne recounts learningthe value of unity and support early on, principles that she carries into thepresent and that shine through her work and parenting. “My father taught my siblings and I from a young age that we are unitedas a team, almost like soldiers, and that it is our duty to protect and helpeach other, and years later this is still what we do.” From participatingin household chores with her siblings as children to lending each other a handwith parenthood responsibilities much later, kinship and community have alwaysbeen at the heart of Hüsne’s family life, and continue to be of utmostimportance to her as she strives to instil them into her own children.

Reflecting on her evolution as a mother, Hüsne talks openly aboutthe challenging truths as well as ultimate triumphs of motherhood, from theinitial anxieties of embracing a new role to finding fulfilment in the presentand learning to savour every precious moment — an ethos she calls “Joy OfMissing Out” or “JOMO”. Thinking back to the birth of her first child, Hüsnerecalls “freaking out” and thinkingshe would find herself “stuck in thisposition forever”, a sentiment that many first-time mothers can relate to. “It was a big transition and it took me awhile to adjust”, she acknowledges, “butsomehow I learned to accept it and even enjoy it”. “I have learned that time isprecious, so now I am much more aware of where I am and I enjoy that. When I’mout I enjoy being out, and when I’m home I enjoy being home. [...] I have evenlearned to enjoy missing out on things as it means that I get to immerse myselfin others”, she reveals.

Hüsne’s third pregnancy fuelled her creativity and urged her toencapsulate and mark the end of this chapter in her life, thus the concept ofLe Bump Studio was born. “I have alwaysfelt that it was the energy of the child within me that was moving me to createnew things. I believe that every new child is a fortune and a blessing and thatwith every child great things happen, already from the first “bump”.”Located in the heart of Amsterdam, Le Bump Studio invites expectant mothers tocapture their bodies amidst this transformative period in their lives,remoulding their insecurities into pride. Hüsne describes watching her clientsgrow, on the outside as well as from within: “Their hormones are changing, their bodies are changing, and I can alsosee them changing: The first time they walk in, they are usually veryself-conscious about their own bodies, but when they come in a second time theyfeel proud — proud of their lines, their scars and their changing body parts. Ilove seeing this.” Le Bump Studio offers a sanctuary for women to embracepregnancy in its complete rawness: “Theydo not have to shave or wear makeup or their nicest clothes with us, they onlyneed to come in and [we] peel off those layers of judgement and show theirbodies to [them] as they are.” With locations expanding across Europe,their mission to eternalise and celebrate pregnancy and motherhood continues tobloom.

The value of community, learning to live life in the presentthrough the philosophy of JOMO, and a mission to capture and celebrate thetransformative experience of pregnancy, are only a few of the many elements ofHüsne’s story that resonate. Her optimistic personality, her creativity, andher willingness to take risks, infuse her work and lifestyle and are a sourceof inspiration. Lastly, Hüsne has the following piece of advice to offer to allnew mothers: “Surrender. Even if youthink that your life is going to look like this forever (I really felt likethis, thinking I would not be able to leave my couch or go to the ladies’ roomfor the rest of my life), it is not like this, which is something that I didnot know.”


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